nah.. masalahnya klo gw pilih windows 7 kadang2 pas abis tulisan starting windows komputer gw langsung restart..
stelah itu klo gw pilih windows 7 lagi ada pilihannya : Startup repair sama start windows normally..
klo gw plih startup repair, pasti akhirnya "windows gak nemu masalahnya" (bahasa indo-nya sih gitu)..
klo gw pilih start windows normally kadang2 langsung masuk, tapi kadang2 restart lagi...
After dual booting Windows XP and Windows 7 for about a month, I decided that I was finished with my migration and that it was time to delete the XP partition and reclaim the space.
I booted a gparted live cd to format the partition and grow my windows 7 drive. After the operations completed with no errors I rebooted the machine. On start up the BIOS loads fine and I am greeted by a black screen with a blinking cursor that drops 3 carriage returns and allows no input.
When I load with windows 7 dvd and try to repair the OS, no os appears in the dialog that asks which installation I would like to repair. When I use the recovery console and run bootrec /ScanOs it finds my windows install on E:\ which is the second partition of 3 on a 1Tb drive.
I assume that there is an issue with the MBR. Also What steps do I take within the recovery console make my OS install bootable with reinstalling being an absolute last resort.
micro sd
First of all you can repair the windows 7 operating system and the start the computer and also you can not install any unnecessary software in computer and then you can check computer operating system perfectly.
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